Bob Carpenter Student Tenor Mouthpiece #7 – NEW with Bob Carpenter Reface!!



This is a plastic student tenor mouthpiece being made by reknowned mouthpiece refacer, Bob Carpenter.  Bob has done a lot of work for us and his work is very good.  This piece is made from an inexpensive plastic blank, but Bob has expertly refaced it and it plays wonderfully, although with a brigher sound quality that you would expect from a plastic mouthpiece.  It responds well top to bottom and plays very evenly.

1 in stock


 The #7 tip (.100″) will be a little more challenging for a much younger player, but a player who has been playing for a couple of years and wants to get a bigger sound for not much money will love this mouthpiece.
Cap and ligature not included.
(The white you see on the bite areas is not a bite plate, just white tape across the bite area.)


Additional information

New, Used, or Vintage
